ParkMyPooch Dog Boarding in Cheltenham

Dog boarding cheltenham gardenYou want to know that your dog is safe, comfortable and happy while you are away from him. That is why ParkMyPooch offers a top quality home from home dog boarding service just for you and your pooch.

However you treat your dog at home, he will be treated the same way while he is staying. So if you don't let him on the sofa, he won't go on the sofa, but if he does like evening cuddles, then he'll be allowed up.

When he wants to go in the garden, we'll let him out, so he can have a good sniff around. When he wants to come back in, we'll let him in too!

You can bring all your dog's favourite bedding, toys and food, so he will feel at home for the whole time you are away. 

We follow your rules! Just tell us how you want us to look after your dog!

We have full Procedure Documents, as well as Terms and Conditions and Booking Forms that we can email to you if you would like to see them.

Please contact us on or 07867 978374 to discuss your dog, her stay or day care requirements, our availability and rates. We look forward to hearing from you.